Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022- The Year of New Beginning

2022- The Year of New Beginning

 I must confess that 2021 was a tough year. Spiritually, mentally and other wise were tested. I lost my dad and spiritual mother in the month of November 2021. Thank God for his grace and strength that kept us. Here we are again celebrating the gift of a new year. Of a truth it's by the mercies of God that we were not consumed and the mercies are new every morning. This means that for the year 2022, God has given us new mercies to run the race set before us.

For me, 2022 is a year of New Beginning. Fresh opportunities, grace and favor. So let's us run the race with confidence that God is able to bring us to an expected end.

Happy New year!!!

Monday, July 17, 2017


Congratulations on your wedding!!! 

Being married can be exciting especially if you married someone you are really in love with. Now that the wedding day has come and gone, the reality of marriage will set in. One area to focus on in your marriage is your finances. It is usually a major area of conflict in marriage if not properly managed. 
Here are a financial few tips to help you start off on a good footing:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

10 Tips to a Better and Happier Life

We all aspire to lead better lives. We look for opportunities to make it happen but sometimes we seek the wrong things in our quest to lead better lives. We actually focus on the wrong ideology of what makes for a better life. Whatever a "better life" means to you, I believe these 10 tips will be useful.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Why You Need Your Partner’s Permission To Post His/Her Pictures On Social Media

In every relationship, there is always that one person who is more vocal, more outgoing, likes PDA (Public display of Affection) and shares pictures on social media for the fun of it. In my relationship with my wife, I am that one. From our courting days, I have been like that. I show no signs of stopping anytime soon, at least in my mind.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Practical Steps to Lose Weight Through Your Friend

The benefits of losing weight cannot be over emphasized. These include; having a healthy heart, great self- confidence, rocking a great body and much more. It is not surprising when people start their weight loss programs alone (individually) and along the way, they lose interest. If you are a "one-man squad"

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Many Ways Weight Loss Improves Quality of Life

Imagine, your children imploring you to play with them outside or to take them for an outing in the park…and you just can’t.  Your back hurts after just ten minutes of walking, and running is not an option because you become quite winded and fatigued.  Instead, you suggest watching a movie or T.V. show together and pop up some buttery popcorn or order a pizza, thinking that still constitutes valuable “family time.”  So you spend hours on the couch with the family, and before you know, a vicious generational cycle of sedentary lifestyle and junk food unfolds.  You can choose to give in, or you can break this pattern forever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The business Side of Toke Makinwa’s Book- On Becoming

The On Air Personality who recently launched her book “On Becoming- A Must Tell” has shown that when Life throws lemon at you, you can made lemonade from it. Toke turned her pain to gold. Guess the recession is not affecting

Nigerians May Present Tax Certificate Before Getting Passport

According to Punch Newspaper, Nigerians may need to present their tax certificate before they can get passports. This was said by the Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Mr. Tunde Fowler, on Monday at the 136th meeting of the Joint Tax Board which had the theme, “Increased Inter-Agency Co-operation to Enhance Tax Compliance and Optimise Revenue Collection,’’ in Abuja.