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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Health Benefits of These Foods!

We are blessed with varieties of foods, fruits and vegetables. The land is truly green. Presently, corn, African local pear and okra are in season. It is advisable to always eat food, fruits and vegetables when they are in season since you are sure of getting them in good quantity and quality. God our creator in his wisdom has ensured that we do not lack the necessary nutrients by giving us varieties of food and fruits as and when due. Here is a run-down of the health benefits of Corn, African local pear and Okra.

Corn which is also known as maize and its scientific name “zea mays” is a whole grain food that comes various colors like yellow, white, purple and so on. Although in Africa, yellow and white varieties are the most common. Corn is the primary ingredient of cereal products. Also, snack like popcorn is made from corn. You can have you corn boiled or roasted or cooked with beans. Boiled or roasted corn is usually eaten with African local pear or coconut.
corn is so rich in vitamins, fiber and folic acid. one of the benefits of corn is that it relieves constipation.

Health Benefits of Corn

Corn contains fiber. Fiber aids digestion. In other words, it helps to prevent constipation.

Corn is super rich in carbohydrate which is a main source for energy and weight gain.

Vitamin C is found in corn. This helps to boost your immune system.

African Local Pear

African local pear (botanical name- Dacryodes Edulis) is a small oval shaped velvet or black blue coloured fruit that is so rich in oil and vitamins. This fruit can be prepared by roasting it. It (African local pear) can be put in boiled water for about 5 minutes and it is ready for consumption.

 African local pear contain oil and vitamins

Health Benefits of African Local Pear

African local pear contains vitamin C which does not only boost the immune system but help to fight cold. It’s an antioxidant.

Folic acid and its component are found in African local pear. These promote fertility and healthy pregnancy.

Potassium, iron, and fiber are also richly available in the pear.


Okra which is also known as lady’s finger is an edible green soft pod that contains white seed. Okra is widely used to prepare soup in many countries
folic acid is richly found in okro which help to prevent birth defects in babies

Health Benefits of Okra

Okra is so rich in folic acid. This is very important for pregnant and intending mothers. Folic acid helps to prevent birth defects of the brain, spine and heart in the fetus.

Vitamin A is also in Okra. This promotes good vision.

Okra contains Vitamin C- an immune booster.

Fiber in okra helps prevent and relieves constipation.

Okra also helps in weight loss.


Always eat good foods and fruits. Remember that your food should be medicine and your medicine your food.

Stay Healthy!!!

This article is for informational purpose. It should not replace your doctor’s advice.