Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Time Wasting Personalities

 time wasting personalities are the yes guy, workaholic, multi tasker, oversleeper

Time wasted cannot be recovered. The time we spend in life doing irrelevant, things like gossiping, watching movies and football, surfing the internet, partying e.t.c. cannot be recovered. Don’t get me wrong these activities listed above are not wrong, but as my mother always says too much everything is bad, even being too nice is bad.

While growing up we all dreamt of being successful and wealthy, but majority of these juvenile dreamers, do not achieve their dream, because of poor judgement and lack of effective time management. The major difference between a rich man and poor man, successful and unsuccessful person, is that while the successful person utilizes his time well the unsuccessful don’t. This article helps categorize the six type of persons who waste time and how they do.


PROCRASTINATOR: If  you have a habit of postponing, delaying or putting off things you are supposed to do, you are in this category. This is a bad habit and a product of gross laziness. When you procrastinate, you will end up accumulating loads of work. Which in-turn wastes your time and drain your energy when you decide to do them.

OVERSLEEPER: If you sleep for 12hrs daily you an oversleeper you better wakeup, because time is passing you by. This is another lazy habit, research carried out on successful person in America show that the average sleep time of successful people ranges from 6-7hrs.

WORKAHOLIC: Have you even said no one can do this task, as well as I can. This a big LIE. And you are a member in this category. The qualities of being a good leader and an entrepreneur, is your ability to delegate tasks. Do not for once think that you can do everything yourself you will end up doing too much and have little time for yourself.

YES GUY: If  you find it hard to say no then this is your category. Being nice is good, but being too nice is bad. You have to know where to draw the line  between being nice and being stupid, taking too much work load or commitment puts pressure on you and prevents you from working at your best. Saying No helps you focus on vital projects.

MULTI-TASKER: When you are fond of procrastination, failing to delegate and failing to say NO, you eventually become a multi-tasker doing everything even activities you are unskilled at.This is a bad habit which puts stress on  your brain and make you less productive.  Being a jack of all trades is to be a master of none.

DISORGANIZED GUY: If you have a clustered work space, then you are a member this category. This is the most common time wasting habit. Having a clustered workspace not only takes your time but also drain your energy. As a disorganized person you will spend precious time going through pile of stuff  clustered around, that would have being spent doing important things.


PLANNING: It’s important that at the start of each day you make plans for that day to avoid drifting and working in a scattered and disjointed way.

PRIORITIZE: This is the golden rule of time management. At the break of dawn each day or at beginning of each month or year, identify tasks of crucial importance and place priority on them, that is do them first. Once you are done with them, you can then move to less important task.

DEVOTION: when you have a task at hand, give it your full and total devotion, that is remove or leave any distraction to finishing that task.

SIDE NOTE: Always make out time to relax and have fun, if not you will breakdown and it will all be for nothing. Remember say body no bi firewood.

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