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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Don't Let Technology Put Asunder

Tina and Max have been married for 2 years. Their relationship was great when they were courting. They enjoyed each other’s company. To families and friends then, Tina and Max were inseparable. But lately each spends their spare time on their phones.

Sally and Fred have been married for over 6 years and these past years, Fred has always gone to bed alone. Even though Sally has a 9-5 job, she spends her time chatting with her friends and watching videos on her phone late into the night daily. Fred has complained over and over again but Sally's can't seem to get why he is so worked up about it.

Sometimes, we get carried away by these activities in social media and TV to the detriment of the most important relationship with our partner. We pay more attention to social media activities on our phones and programmes on TVs than on our relationships with our partners forgetting that these technologies have negative effects on our relationships.
Technology should not separate you and your partner. Technology is meant to make your lifestyle and relationship easier.

These days, some of us have made gods out of the social media and TV. We are more troubled and worried if there is a crack on our iPhone's screen than when there is a crack in our relationship.
Technologies are  meant to enhance our lives and not affect our social relationships and are supposed to be used in moderation.

When couples have issues in their relationship, rather than try to resolve the issue, one or both parties turn to their gadgets for companionship. Some even start chatting with a "supposedly caring friend" about the issues and this may lead to third-party interference in your relationship when it really is not necessary.

The use of modern gadgets is not supposed to put a strain on your relationship.

Negative Effects of Excessive use of Technologies on our Relationship

1. Widens communication gap:
Spending more time on the phone with others affects the quality of communication in your relationship. Instead of keeping each other's company, you spend it online surfing the internet or chatting with friends. Not saying that it is wrong to spend some time online. But when you keep doing it daily, using the time you would have spent unwinding with your partner, and then it is wrong. Such act can be themed "selfish".

2) It also affects your sex life. When you or your partner always goes to bed alone or hardly enjoy your spare time with you, the bonding that leads to intimacy will not be there. This in turn will affect your sex life.

3) It sometimes leads to emotional infidelity. When you no longer satisfy your partner's emotion, he or she will tend to lean on someone else who is willing to provide such emotional companionship. Don't be fooled, there are a million other persons who are willing to have your partner, don't let your partner slip off your hand.

If you are in such situation:
  • You have to inform your partner how you feel about his/her attitude toward the use of particular technology and how the technology is stealing or keeping him/her from you.
  • Set rules: set rules that will help to ensure peace and understanding in your home. Rules like - Putting your partner first when you are together.
  • Know when to put aside your gadgets for listen or chat with your partner.
  • Appreciate him/her when you notice improvement.
Remember, technologies should not control your lifestyle. “You should call the shot”shot”

keep Living the Ace Life!!!

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