Sunday, December 6, 2009


Every nation that seeks to advance along the paths of progressive and sustainable economic development must seek to aggressively develop her infrastructure in order to boost the manufacturing sector as well as other sectors of the economy. Developed economies pay huge attention to infrastructural development and maintenance of existing infrastructure and that has birthed huge opportunities for businesses to thrive. In developing countries businesses however that is not the case.Small scale enterprises that are channels of massive employment opportunities face mountainous infrastructural challenges that stifle growth and until governments in these countries pay premium to infrastructural development, attaining any meaningful heights of development will continue to elude these nations.

1 comment:

  1. i sincerely agree with you. Nigeria for example has experienced massive capital flight because of poor infrastructural base. Bad roads, poor electricity suppy, etc have led to the death of many textile firms that generated employment opportunities and the remaining are struggling to survive. Time has come for government to tackle the challenge of infrastructural development headlong so that the real sector of the economy can development and that will ameliorate the chronic unemployment situation in the country and same goes for other developing countries.

