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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Save Your Cooking Gas- Tips for the Nigerian Woman

Desperate times require desperate measures. The economy is not smiling at all. If you are always boiling water to bath using your cooking gas, you will agree with me that boiling water every day will result in refilling your gas often.

Great tips for the Nigerian Woman

With the continuous increase in the price of cooking gas, tips on how to save your gas will actually go a long way in saving some percentage of your cooking gas. So, here are a few tips on saving your cooking gas.

When next you need hot water while you are cooking (If you are cooking for atleast 15-30mins ), fill your kettle up with water and place the kettle close to the pot that you are cooking with (the pot on fire). Ensure that the kettle is touching the pot. With time the heat from the pot will heat up the water in the kettle and your water for bath is ready. If the water is not as hot as you want it, after cooking you can place the kettle on the spot where you cooked. By doing this the water will get hotter.  

 Store your food in food warmers. Buy some food warmers to keep your food warm especially where you have family members who may not be available to eat at the time the food is ready. This means you have to warm the food again when they are available and ready to eat. If you do not have a microwave equipment to heat up the food, it means you have to heat the food again using your gas cooker, thus reducing your gas. There are some really effective food warmers that keep the food hot for more than 10hours. Buy food warmers and save gas on heating up already cooked food.

In these times, wisdom is required to maximize the utility value of your cooking gas. These tips will sure help you save some cooking gas.