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Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday Morning Motivation: Be Diligent

Over time, we have used the word 'Diligent' to express our delight over an individual’s attitude toward a particular task. Diligent means showing or putting constant effort to a particular cause. It also means being persistent in whatever you are doing. As individuals, we must be diligent no matter our status or the size of our responsibilities. A doctor does not have to be more diligent than a cobbler or a father more diligent than a student.
We all must give 100% dedication to our responsibilities or given tasks.

 To be diligent, you must;
  •  Cultivate the habit of doing the Right thing. For example, as a student, you must cultivate the habit of reading. As an employee, you must form the habit of going to work early.
  •  Always be ready: an individual that is diligent is always ready, never found wanted. You should not be lazy or often giving excuse for not carrying out your responsibility.
  •   You must not be a procrastinator: Some one that procrastinates is not diligent. You cannot attain success if you are always procrastinating. To be diligent, you must be consistent.
  •  You must be disciplined and always set your priorities.
  •  Have a vision/Goal: your vision helps you stay focus even the mist of failure and disappointment.

the rewards of being diligent

Being diligent has its own rewards:

When you consistently carry out a particular task right, you tend to become a professional and people will see you as an authority.

You are recognized as someone who can be trusted with more responsibilities and even enjoy recommendations from people.

A diligent hand will stands a chance to become richer. When you consistently do you task, you will have more wealth. Even when what you get is as little as a cent, if you keep on working diligently, with time you will have thousands of cents.

You will inner peace and feel fulfilled.

Remember you can only be recognized or rewarded at you place of assignment. A teacher cannot be awarded the banker of year and vice visa. You will be rewarded where you have diligently worked. So be diligent.

Keep Living the Ace life!!!

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