, pub-3560798641789425, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-3560798641789425, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ace Living Blog: SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS DYING UNDER YOUR WATCH

Thursday, November 3, 2016


So everybody gets butterflies in their stomachs right at the beginning of a new union between them and their partner. It is such a stage where we try to be at our best all the time for our partner, we love them unconditionally and they can do almost no wrong. At some point however, the euphoria is over we settle back into normal daily living, but as even more time goes past, we forget that love cannot just take care of itself, and love is not enough, to love is to put in some work, and when we stop working for our

relationship we don’t see the signs that our relationship is dying right under our watch
Over time, there is a need to observe trends around and in our personal lives as to what leads to the death of relationships, when we can see the tell-tale signs we can maybe in future save ourselves from losing very important people who we may forever regret loosing if only we had just put in some more effort.
I must say that a relationship is like a bank account, if you do not save in it, you can’t expect to withdraw from it, what you put in mostly through sacrifice is what you will get right out of it.
 So beneath are the signs your relationship is dying under your watch or signs that your relationship is over :

·        LESSER and WEIGHTLESS COMMUNICATION – Once upon a time, when you woke up in the morning in the morning, your partner was the first person on your mind so you talk to them, you ask them how their night was, maybe even what they dreamt about, if you are already married, this questions may come up in bed before you both face a couple of activities, and at the end of the day too, you have almost every detail on how each other’s day went. When things start to go south, you communicate less, and its worse if none of you is handling the situation and steering it back on course. Weightless communication means even when you do talk, you are not saying things to each other that hold attention, that gives information, in fact weightless communication may just be done for protocols, that is a big sign that your relationship is dying or over.

Over time, there is a need to observe trends around and in our personal lives as to what leads to the death of relationships, when we can see the tell-tale signs we can maybe in future save ourselves from losing very important people who we may forever regret loosing if only we had just put in some more effort. I must say that a relationship is like a bank account, if you do not save in it, you can’t expect to withdraw from it, what you put in mostly through sacrifice is what you will get right out of it. So beneath are the signs your relations is dying under your watch

·        LESS COMMUNICATION WITH FRIENDS and FAMILY OF YOUR PARTNER – Initially, you were anxious to meet your partner’s family and friends, you were happy to get acquainted, you would call them up sometimes and maybe even hangout with them, with or without your partner being present, now you both do not seem to care what is going on with those important people in each other’s lives. When this in itself would make a wonderful topic for communication.

   NO COURTESY or APPRECIATION TOWARD EACH OTHER – In the beginning, you were both ever so polite and courteous to each other, suddenly no one is saying “thank you” “you are so kind” “you are wonderful” get it? When words and statements like this cease to be present, something is amiss.

·         YOU ENJOY BEING ALONE OR WITH SOMEONE ELSE THAN YOUR PARTNER – This is one huge warning sign, when the company of one you would have given anything to be in is now one you are happy to be far from, or you begin to enjoy the company of an entirely new person. This is bad and should be checked, because in the end someone’s heart could get broken, it could be you who is beginning to find comfort elsewhere, because you could lose both ways. That is why it is necessary for couple to always have fun together in other not to lose the spark in the relationship.

·        NO MORE PHYSICAL CONTACT   Always acknowledging the presence of your partner is important, maybe in the beginning it was easy to hug and hold hands and talk endlessly, but why should those things stop, why should you not pull his ear even when he is busy at the computer or some document, just to show you know he is there? Why can’t you give her a sudden unexpected hug? What still stops you both from holding hands when you walk together? If physical contact dies completely, I guess that means sorry the relationship is gone, because things like that are not easy to spark right back out of the blues.

Now they are so many signs both obvious and subtle that a couple could be ignoring or are being negligent about, signs not limited to these. However, only those who still want the relationship to stand a chance can and will try to reverse the occurrence of these unfolding signs, suffice to say, there are relationships that will always have gone beyond saving, due to underlying events that are leading to these signs happening in the relationship. Bottom line remains all relationships have challenges, there is never a perfect one and love is never enough.
Do not ignore the signs that your relationship could be dying right under your watch. 

About Our Guest WriterMaryam Abdulrasheed is an introvert. She loves to read a lot and write on topics relating to health, relationships and family life. She blogs

Photo Credit: Divorce

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